The Diabetes Research Team here at Barts Health / QMUL have teamed up with the Gastroenterology group for this study. We are keen to let people who have diabetic gastroparesis know about ongoing research
The reason we exist is to help each other. Our Group and Charity can only function with and for you.
We are delighted to continue our awareness campaign with something very special from Gift Member Jackie. When we asked what Gift UK means to her we didn't expect such a heartfelt response. We won't say anymore we'll let Jackie do the talking.
Super exciting day today, after 6 months of hard work, we can finally release our awareness film.
Big thanks to Gift UK members; Natalie, Rachael, Jackie, Sophie, Sue, Becky, Becky, Ashely and Tom for taking part in the film, being brave and telling it as it is.
The idea is super simple, for anyone who knows someone affected by Gastroparesis and related disorders, to donate the price of one plate of Christmas dinner to Gift UK, to continue to provide support, information, and fund research.
So lets begin with a simple question? Do you remember the last time you had a stomach bug? The last time you had food poisoning? Or the time where you could not stop vomiting? Maybe the time you had the flu? Where you lacked energy unable to do anything? All of theses are what patients with gastroparesis live with daily. It is like a stomach bug, food poising or the flu that never goes away.
I have had a feeding tube for over three years. Gastroparesis and intestinal dysmotility mean my stomach no longer functions and my small intestine does not absorb nutrients well. Having a feeding tube that bypasses my stomach and delivers a partially digested solution into my small intestine ensures my body can still get essential nutrients, calories and fluid. Without my feeding tube I would not be alive.
Welcome, come in and make yourself at home.
If you type Gastroparesis into Google, you will get a whole list of different websites all with similar brief pages. Most of them will tell you what GP is, what the symptoms are and the very limited treatments that are available.
True self-love is hard to achieve in the world that we live in and we forget that as humans we are not perfect we have flaws, tonnes of them in fact. However you also have so much that is amazing about you, nobody does you like you do.
Gastroparesis & IBSC are known affectionately as, "Cinderella Conditions" meaning very few professionals wish to work in this field of medicine because there are no answers, no magic pills, and certainly no glory!
Cinderella is THE strongest woman in fairytale history, she lost her mother, was treated as a slave for years but she DID get her happy ending because she made it happen....because she believed!
This page is dedicated to all our beautiful members, who fight so hard every day... without a fairy godmother to make it all ok!
With special thanks to everyone who sent in photos. If you would like to be included please send us your picture via our contact page x