RAF Fundraise for GIFT uk
Chief Petty Officer Craig ‘Morbs’ Morby-Jones, Royal Navy, foreground, and Aircraft Engineering Technician John ‘JD’ Denny, rear, tackle the ‘Electroshock therapy’ obstacle.
The team from Edwards Air Force Base, Southern California, complete 3 Tough Mudder Obstacle Races in one weekend.
On the weekend of 25/26 October a military team of Royal Air Force, Royal Navy and United States Air Force personnel, from Edwards Air Force Base took part in 3 Tough Mudder Obstacle Races at Temecula, Southern California, raising $2,200 (approx. 1,400 GBP) for the Wounded Warrior Project and GiftUK.
The group of 5 friends, decided to raise money for Gastroparesis research after one member’s wife was diagnosed with the debilitating stomach condition earlier this year. They opted to split the funds raised with the Wounded Warrior Project as a show of support to the American Colleagues that they work closely with on a day-to-day basis.
The team finds the energy to run between obstacles.
The Tough Mudder Obstacle Races are billed as a test of “all-around strength, stamina, teamwork, and mental grit. Tough Mudder is Probably the Toughest Event on the Planet.” but the team decided one lap of the grueling course wasn’t enough, so they completed three laps, covering over 31 miles, with a 6,000ft altitude gain and totaling 75 obstacles over 2 days. The obstacles included ‘Electroshock Therapy’ a field of live wires each containing 10,000V; ‘Arctic Enema’, where participants swim through an ice filled container, under a wooden plank and pull themselves out on the other end; and ‘Funky Monkey’, monkey bars greased with mud, that are on a steep incline upward for the first half of the obstacle and descend downward for the second part.
Major Greg ‘Metro’ Stack said of the challenge: “I joined the team not only to help a friend raise funds for 2 incredible charities, but as a personal physical challenge and fitness achievement. The event was unparalleled and was tougher than any other physical endeavour I have ever accomplished. I'm very proud of the entire team for completing such a grueling challenge.”
Craig ‘Morbs’ Morby-Jones added: “I took part in the Tough Mudder challenge to support my friend in his passion for raising the awareness of a charity very close to his heart. I also wanted to test my own personal fitness and mental limits to see how far I could possibly go; I didn’t expect to complete all 3! There must be something very wrong with me as I really enjoyed every minute of it and would do it again in a heartbeat, I think the adrenaline and atmosphere through the entire weekend made it easier than expected and I am now the proud owner of a permanent scar and a few multi-coloured headbands to prove it!”
Chief Petty Officer Craig ‘Morbs’ Morby-Jones, Royal Navy, gives a lift to Major Greg ‘Metro’ Stack, United States Air Force, during the Warrior Carry obstacle.
Editor’s Note:
17(R) Squadron is a Joint Royal Navy/Royal Air Force unit awaiting imminent delivery of their first Lightning II jet to start UK sovereign operations at Edwards AFB, California. The Squadron will ultimately be taking part in the Joint Operational Testing of the Lightning II with the US services, Netherlands and Australia.
The Wounded Warrior Project’s mission is ‘To honour and empower Wounded Warriors’ with a vision to ‘foster the most successful, well-adjusted generation of wounded service members in our nation's history’. They raise money and support wounded soldiers in the USA in a similar way to Help for Heroes in the UK.
GIFTuk Would like to thank everyone involved in this formidable challenge and hope they all made a speedy recovery! The challenge itself would be feared by many and we really do appreciate the blood sweat and tears, it really does go to show that we can all do incredible things with a little determination and passion. We love you guys!